NVC 9 Mar 24 – what?

Marco offers this in-person, interactive and very practical training in Nonviolent Communication, as developed by clinical psychologist and international conflict mediator Marshall B. Rosenberg since the 1960s. Nonviolent Communication (NVC) proposes an entirely different outlook on human beings and relationships, beyond “right/wrong, good/bad” mindsets, where we are invited to focus with full awareness and extreme clarity of presence and intent, on what is alive in ourselves and in others, at any given time, and what we may request so that everybody’s needs are more likely to be met with win-win solutions.

This training is offered in two separate days, with the possibility to attend only the first day, or both days.

In the first day, you will be introduced to the theoretical framework, with a brief talk and mostly in an interactive way, and will see the various parts of the NVC model, the four components of observation, feeling, need, request, mainly as a way to express oneself, with a brief introduction and some practical exercises on how to listen to other people through the same four steps.

In the second day, you will deepen your skills in terms of listening to others in all circumstances, and listening deeply to yourself so as to enter in a dialogue where both sides can fully express and be fully heard, and mutually satisfactory solutions can be found.