Who is NVC training for?

Our introductory trainings are for all, both for those who have never heard of Nonviolent Communication (NVC), and for those who have read Marshall Rosenberg’s book, know a little in other ways, and want to learn & deepen understanding and integration of NVC in a more practical and interactive way.

Our second level or more advanced courses are for people who are at different stages in their path, and want to deepen the integration of this powerfully transformative approach. Each specific training event sets the suggested prior knowledge and experience for people to gain the most from their attendance.

People have found NVC useful in personal and professional situations, in relationships and in group settings. Nonviolent Communication brings a lot of clarity, of what is alive in us at any given time, and what we would like to happen. It sharpens our ability to express what is important for us, in language that is more likely that people can hear, and request what would make our life more wonderful. It also increases our ability to connect to what is important for the other person or persons involved, and find solutions that work for all.