NVC level 1 (9 Mar 2024)

Marco Bertaglia, a former research officer at the Joint Research Centre, and co‑founder of Comunità rigenerative, a nonprofit association, intentional community and ecovillage in the Alps of NW Italy, is also a trainer in Nonviolent Communication, certified internationally by The Center for Nonviolent Communication. See more on him at https://www.cnvc.org/trainers/marco-bertaglia

Marco offers this in-person, interactive and very practical training in Nonviolent Communication (NVC).
This training is offered in two separate days, with the possibility to attend only the first day, or both days.
Read more details here.

Have you found yourself in personal or professional situations where tensions and conflicts made your life less than wonderful? Would you like to increase your ability to remain connected to what is important, clear about what you would like to happen, and aware of what is essential for the other person?
Nonviolent Communication provides a practical way to increase the likelihood that our needs are met, while also taking care of other people’s needs and desire in a way that does not entail submission, rebellion, compromise, or other unsatisfactory results.
Read more here.


Introductory workshop (level 1)
Saturday 9 March 2024 – from 9:00 to 17:30 CET


JRC ClubHouse Auditorium or other place in Ispra (Varese, Italy) TBA

Access will be possible to registered participants only, either with the JRC service card, or with legally valid personal ID. Your full name and personnel number (for JRC staff) or ID number (for all) need to be the same indicated in the registration form.

Registration form
Register here by 4th March at the latest

Financial request
This training has no fixed price and at the same time a payment is required so that collectively all together the participants can support the sustainability of the trainer and his project. Each person, thinking carefully of the value of such a training, the desire to contribute, his/her access to monetary resources, and the desire to support others who may have less access to money, will choose the level of contribution.

If you feel uncomfortable to decide for yourself an amount that you are prepared to contribute and that seems “right”, then consider that the trainer hopes to receive about 2,000€ if the number of participants is of about twenty people, and decide whether you would like to contribute more or if you find it hard to contribute as much and would prefer to contribute less.

You can support the trainer’s living and the intentional nonprofit community he devotes his life to by making a donation of your choice. You can choose your financial contribution in a spirit of corresponsibility and conscious choice, by bank transfer to:

IBAN (international bank account number)


Comunità rigenerative APS
Località Castiglione Centro 83, 28873 Calasca Castiglione (VB)

Reason for payment: “Erogazione liberale”

For any question, please email cnv@comunitarigenerative.it

 If you are uncomfortable to choose the amount for yourself, you can also choose to pay one of the following
– 100€ if you wish to pay for yourself only, 
– 50€ or less if you money really is an issue for you in this moment of your life, or
– from 150€ up, if you wish to make it possible for other people with less access to monetary resources to also participate. 

In addition, you are welcome to donate more money if you wish to support our project.

If you are unable to contirbute any amount of money now, and would really like to participate, and you also would like to find a way to support the trainer, recognising the value of his work, please make contact and we can find a solution together. Thanks!

For any question, please email cnv@comunitarigenerative.it

(go back to our training events in English)